Friday, August 19, 2022

Thrifting: Goodwill Finds @ Lynnwood WA July 20th

Posted by Bun
Mid-week visit to Goodwill. Going later in the day, I imagine that most of the good stuff has been picked already. This is the time that you go digging for gold. I didn't walk away with any of these items, but they caught my eye.
This is from a brand called Kikwear California.. Never heard of it, but it looked interesting, with a streetwear vibe.
Sleeve cuff detail.
This would be a nice pick up and it was in my size, but I already have a few light jackets. I was really tempted because of the color and fabric, but decided it didn't need to come home with me, and it isn't an easy look to pull off on its own. You would probably want to build around this kind of piece. 

These were short that caught my attention.$5.99 in size XL.
This toggle detail is really what caught my eye.Not sure it is really useful, but interesting. 
The brand is Epoche Sports? I could not find any information on line for it.
I really liked this black Sherpa collared coat.
This shirt/light jacket caught my eye, but a bit tacky and trying too hard to be different. Maybe not practical, but it is an interesting thought.
This is a riding jacket I think, and it was heavy and well constructed. I looked up the brand Kerr and it is a motorcycle jacket. The silhouette isn't flattering, but it had unique details that I can draw inspiration from.
Just an asymmetric zippered collar sweater. Not even sure if it was in the right department, but eye-catching nonetheless.

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